Diabetes & Obesity International Journal (DOIJ)

Volume 1 Issue 3

Research Article

TCF7L2 Gene Rs7903146 Polymorphism May Confer Expression of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Relatively Young and Lean Mothers

Mashfiqul H, Sultana N, Jahan S, Panthi S, Aktar Y, Rahman MA, Fariduddin M and Hasanat MA*

Review Article
Research Article

Beneficial Effect of Ursodeoxycholic Acid on High Glucose-Induced Long QT Interval Arrhythmia in Isolated Rat Heart

Di filippo C, Trotta MC, Maisto R,Gaudino G, Accardo M, Ferraraccio F, Berrino l, Rossi F, D'amico M*

Review Article
Research Article
Research Article
The Relationship of Habitual Foods Consuming to Population’s Health
Hmed BN*, Charaâ N, Ksouda K, Zeghal K and Hammami S
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