Haematology International Journal (HIJ)

Volume 1 Issue 2

Research Article
Review Article

Rare Oral Mucosal Manifestations of Hydroxyurea Therapy in Chronic Myeloid Leukemia

Deena Mudawi*, Abdulqadir J Nashwan, Amna Gameel, Shehab Fareed, Mohammad Abdulla and Mohamed A Yassin*

Research Article

Long-lasting Responses to Immunomodulatory Drugs (IMIDs) in Combination with Dexamethasone in Multiple Myeloma; Identification of Exceptional Responders at any Treatment Line

Gkioka AI, Nikolaou E, Bartzis V, Papaioannou P, Koudouna A, Kotsanti S, Petsa P, Dimou M, Maltezas D, Iliakis T, Bitsani A, Sachanas S, Sfikakis P, Panayiotis P and Kyrtsonis MC*

Research Article

Ferritin Level in Pre and Postmenopausal Women Attending Usmanu Danfodiyo University Teaching Hospital Sokoto

Erhabor O1*, Ibrahim K1, Isah N1, Abdulrahaman Y1, Zama I1, Buhari H1, Onuigwe UF1, Ibrahim BA1, Ahmed M1, Okwesili A1, Imoru M1, Udomah FA1, Hassan M2, Ian-Gobo M3, Echonwere B3, Egenti BN4 and Fredrick C4

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