International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

Volume 7 Issue 1

Short Communication
Review Article
Phytopharmacological Perspectives of Tinospora cordifolia Chemical Constituents and Medicinal Properties
Kagne SS*, Uplanchiwar VP, Thakare VM, Mehta HD, Bais AG, Kathane KG, Khiwansara KJ and Guha SS
Review Article
Overview of the Complexities in Diagnosing Treating and Preventing Tuberculosis along with the Most Effective Dosage Plans
Awan SJ*, Siddiqui K, Masood F, Muzammil A, Shafique F, Atiq S, Gillani I, Sohail N and Inayat SSohail N and Inayat S
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