International Journal of Pharmacognosy & Chinese Medicine (IPCM)

Volume 1 Issue 3

Review Article

A Short Review: Importance of Rosemarinus Officinalis as a Living Library for the Discovery of Human Topo Poisons

Chaitanya MVNL*, Duraiswamy B, Dhamodaran P, Dhanabal SP and Vedpal Parihar

Research Article

Medicinal Plants Diversity and their Folklore Uses by the Tribes of Nilgiri Hills, Tamil Nadu, India

Logesh R1*, Dhanabal SP1, Duraiswamy B1, Chaitanya MVNL1, Dhamodaran P1 and Rajan S2

Review Article

Systematic Review of Chinese Medicine for Ovarian Endometriosis

Eileen Lee, Yongqi Xie, Haiyong Chen and Wei Meng*

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