International Journal of Zoology and Animal Biology (IZAB)

Volume 5 Issue 5

Research Article
Research Article
Educational Intervention Strategy for the Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in a Community in the Municipality of Santa Clara, Villa Clara, Cuba
Gascón Rodríguez BC, Duarte RF*, Padrón GS, Valle Laveaga DD, Ferrer YZ, Noda Valledor MI, Rodríguez MS and Vara Moya EJ
Research Article
Evaluation of Importance of Teksar Mountain of Armenia for Bird and Butterfly Protection
Aghababyan K*, Khanamirian G, Khachatryan A, Martirosyan B, Grigoryan V, Zuerker T and Baloyan S
Research Article
Research Article
Bee Diversity Associated with Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. (Fabaceae, Papilionoideae) in an Peri-Urban Patch of “Restinga”
Ferreira Meireles J, Soares Miranda A, Soares de Oliveira M, Antonini Y, Bacci L and Albano Araújo V*
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