Journal of Orthopedics & Bone Disorders (JOBD)

Volume 2 Issue 2

Review Article
Mortality and Morbidity Associated with Periprosthetic Fracture after Total Knee Replacement
Faimali M, Karuppiah SV*, Hassan S, Swamy G, Badhe N and Geutjens G
Research Article
Prevalence of Low Back Pain in Pregnant Women and the Associated Risk Factors
Gharaibeh A*, Al Wadiya A, Qdhah E, Khadrawi M, Abu Slaih A and Qaoud Y
Case Report
Intermuscular Hydatid Cyst Isolated from the Arm
Talal G*, Saudi F, Ouazzani N, Fekhaoui MR, Boufetal M, Reda-Allah B and Saleh Berrada M
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