Journal of Quality in Health Care & Economics (JQHE)

Volume 5 Issue 6

Research Article
New Experimental Model of Heterotopic Spleen Auto Transplantation
Khakimov MSh*, Matrizaev TZh, Zhumanazarov AU and Lyubentsova OV
Review Article
Quality in Health Services and its Challenge in the Ecuadorian Reality
Pérez Arias A*, Méndez Regueiro LV, García Silvera EE, Goldstein Molina NB and Meléndez Mogollón IC
Case Report
Intestinal Resection as the Last "Salvage" Option in the Management of Difficult Enter Atmospheric Fistulas
Mantilla Sarmiento Gabriela, Bautista Vásquez Ángel Fernando, Coello López Patricio David, Coronel Espinoza Luis Felix, Rojas Merchán Carlos Alejandro and Minchala Urgilés Rosa Elvira*
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