Open Access Journal of Agricultural Research (OAJAR)

Volume 3 Issue 7

Research Article
Research Article
The Effect of Seed-Priming by Cobalt-Diglycyrrhizinate on Wheat (Triticum Aestivum L.) Genome
Ražná K*, Ablakulova N, Žiarovská J, Kyseľ M, Cagáň Ľ, Khojiboboevich KK and Bakievich GM
Research Article
Growth and Oil Yield of Sesame as Influenced by Sulphur and Nitrogen
Ahmad J*, Ahmad F, Iqbal S, Shah SMA, Ali M, Abbas MW, Nawaz H, Mehmood Z, Ali B and Ali S
Review Article
Dynamicity of Plant-Insect Interaction, Defense Communism and Key-Prospects
Javed MW*, Ahmad JN, Shahzad MK, Hussain M, Ahmad SJN, Ashraf M, Imran M, Mushtaq N, Hafeez A, Aslam A and Jafir M
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