Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

Volume 3 Issue 2

Case Report
Intranasal Tooth in a Patient with Cleft Lip and Palate
Boudi R*, Benkarroum FZ, El Mohtarim B and Chhoul H
Research Article
Histopathological Aspects in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Bunget AM¹, Dascălu IT²*, Coleș E³, Țîrcă T³, Stan M´, Găman Sµ and Nicola AG¹
Case Report
Desmoplastic Variant of Ameloblastoma: A Rare Case Report and Review of Literature
Manthru Naik R, Sridhar Erugula R, Ayesha S*, Jagadeesh K, Santhosh Kumar PV, Roger Paul T, Bhogavaram B, Shahid I and Anusha E
Review Article
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea: Review Article
Ish Kumar S, Uzma Nazir* and Arshiyan Ahmed
Mini Review
Case Report
Hemisection in an Era of Implants
Munishwar Singh* and Satish Chandar R
Review Article
Interdental Aids-A Literature Review
Sana Abdullah A, Pavithra S* and Ahmed N
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