Open Access Journal of Dental Sciences (OAJDS)

Volume 3 Issue 3

Research Article
Case Report
Impression Technique of a Better Marginal Fit Auricular Prosthesis
Theerathavaj Srithavaj ML*, Pornpattra R and Preeda W
Image Article
Fissured Tongue: A Case Report
Kamakshi J*, Sahana K, Raghavendra K and Prasanna Kumar R
Review Article
The Mystery of Handprints-Dermatoglyphics
Mohil A*, Ashu S, Prachi A, Tejas P, Hit P and Palak P
Mini Review
Role of Whatsapp in Oral Cancer - The Road Ahead….
Sahana K*, Raghavendra K, Kamakshi J and Shwetha K
Short Communication
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