Open Access Journal of Gynecology (OAJG)

Volume 2 Issue 1

Review Article

Zika Virus Infection in Pregnancy, Review of Literature

Emre Ekmekci1*, Servet Gençdal2, Emine Demirel1 and Sefa Kelekci1

Research Article

Myomectomy and Pregnancies

Leanza V, D’Agati A, Leanza G, Pafumi C*, Chammas M and Carbonaro A

Research Article
Case Report

Cervical Cancer Diagnosed During the Second Trimester of Pregnancy

Gutiérrez JY1,2*, Mainar BL1,2, Quintana NI1,2, Laga LA1,2, Tobajas BR1 and Ruiz Conde AM1,2

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