Open Access Journal of Veterinary Science & Research (OAJVSR)

Volume 5 Issue 2

Research Article
Advantages and Disadvantages of using Food Grate Stainless Steel Rods for Internal Fixation of Femoral Transverse Fractures in Rabbits (Review Study)
Humam H Nazht*, Ammar MH Almahmoud, Raffal A Omar, Zyad Maher Manual, Zied Husain Dyab Rania Khedr Khaleefa and Sumaya Mohammed Kareem
Research Article
Research Article
Joint use of Ca – Modified Double-Strained RNA as an Immunostimulator with a Vaccine for the Prevention of Food and-Mouth Disease (FMD)
Gazaryants MG, Markosyan TH*, Poghosyan L, Petrosyan MS, Mkrtchyan ZS, KharatyanSA, Nersesova LS, Sargsyan KHV and Akopian JI
Research Article
Melatonin Effect on Cryopreserved Sperm Cells of Crioulo Stallions
Romero Tisot CM, Zanella R, Souza AP, Mallmann Lof L, Mendes Soares JC, Marques MG and Lourenso Zanella E*
Research Article
Sero-Prevalence of Contagious Caprine Pleuropneumonia in Goats in Afgoye District Lower Shabelle Region, Somalia
Omar Mohamed Abdi*, Abdi Majiid Said Jama, Abdirahman Abdullahi Jama, Ahmed Ali Omar and Abdirahman Bare Dubad
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