Virology & Immunology Journal (VIJ)

Volume 2 Issue 1

Review Article
Research Article

Detection of Avian Influenza (H5n1) in Some Egyptian Crustaceans from Egypt

Alaa Eldin Eissa*, Moustafa M, El-Desoky M and El-Baky AA

Research Article

Cloning and Sequence Analysis of 163R and 201R Genes of Camelpoxvirus from Indian Dromedaries

(Camelus Dromedarius)

Nagarajan G*, Swami SK, Tuteja FC, Sharma G, Mehta SC, Saini N and Patil NV

Research Article

Physiotherapeutic Intervention with Biofotododynamic Therapy for the Reduction of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa

Pedrosa MM1*, Gomes TF1, Lopes RFT1, Monteiro MS1, Toledo ACL1, Taube OLS1,2, Arnoni VW2, Sylvestre SHZ1 and Ferreira B1

Mini Review

Response of Interleukins to Resistance Exercise

Vasconcelos ES1* and Salla RF2

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