Journal of Human Anatomy (JHUA)

ISSN :2578-5079

Current Issue - Volume 7 Issue 1

Review Article
Investigation Paper
Research Article
Sciatic Nerve Morphometry in the Gluteal Region in a Nigerian Population: An Anatomical Study
Ernest EO1, Enaohwo MT2, Vincent_Junior IO2, Nwaokoro IC3, Azubike IT2, Godswill OO3* and Owhefere OG3
Mini Review
Role of Peripheral Blood Film in Renal Diseases
Kapatia G*, Virk H, Parwaiz A and Kapoor U
Research Article
Prediction of Stature Using Fingers' Lengths
Osaat RS*, Edibamode EI and Oragba SO
Research Article
Caregivers Perceived Enhancers and Barriers to Home Exercise Programme of Children with Cerebral Palsy
Ojukwu CP, Chimereze NR*, Ezeugwu UA, Igwe SE, Agwagu IM, Igweagu CP, Ezugwu LE, Anyaele CC and Madu OT
Research Article
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