Journal of Orthopedics & Bone Disorders (JOBD)

ISSN :2577-297X

Journal of Orthopedics & Bone Disorders is an internationally peer reviewed Open Access Journal that encompasses all aspects of clinical and basic research studies related to orthopedic health care. The journal aims to be a forum for the communication and exchange of ideas concerning the various aspects of orthopedics and bone disorders. The topics cover under scope of journal are different aspects of orthopedics including Arthroplasty, Arthroscopy, Sports Medicine, Trauma, Spine and Spinal deformities, Pediatric orthopedics, limb reconstruction procedures, hand surgery and orthopedic oncology. The journal publishes original papers, review articles, case reports, short communications, opinions, letter to editors etc., reporting basic research or clinical applications in the field of orthopedics.

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Latest Articles

Microgravity Osteoporosis
Santhosh Kumar TN*, Prasnna YT, Sangeerthana Ramesan, Sangeetha Sirosh, Savita and Siddhant Mohta
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Does the Time taken to Remove the Syndesmosis Screw Influence the Onset of Tibiotalar Osteoarthritis
Muluem OK*, Fonkoue L, Nyekel JR, Mebouinz FN, Tchoupoua S, Guemse ME, Eone DH and Bahebeck J
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Results of LRS (Limb Reconstruction System) in Management of Infected Non Unions of Femur
Jenil Patel*, Chetan Puram, Yogesh Panchwagh, Parag Sancheti and Ashok Shyam
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